Frequently Asked Questions

On this page we have collected some questions we often receive. Please have a look at the questions and answers and you will receive a broad overview why KAMO’s activities are beneficial to you!

KAMO’s membership

You can become a member of KAMO by paying the membership fee either all at once for the whole academic year or for a semester. The first time you join, you order a Student Card to mark your membership, after which you only need to pay the annual membership fee. Your student card stays with you throughout your studies, and you renew your membership by purchasing a semester or term sticker from the KAMO’s service point.

Becoming a member and ordering the Student Card is possible if you are a present student at Kajaani University of Applied Sciences. Please check the terms of issuance before joining.

You can find more detailed instructions on how to join here.

By joining and being a member of KAMO you give the Student Union resources to develop and produce services related to student life at Kajaani University of Applied Sciences both on campus and free time. As a member of KAMO, you will be able to influence the very issues that concern you, namely studies and student life. As a member, you can apply to Student Buddy activities, stand, and vote in Student Council elections, and apply to the Student Union’s Executive Board. The Student Union is for you!

As a sign of membership, you will receive a student card that is key to many local and nationwide student benefits. In addition to this, you can participate in try outs and various events at a lower cost or even free! We also offer student overalls as well as thesis covers for our members at discounted prices.

Learn more here.

You can become a member of KAMO if:

  1. you are pursuing a Bachelor’s degree or a Master’s degree at KAMK;
  2. you are enrolled to be present for the semester / academic year.

People who complete open university or path studies cannot become a member of KAMO.

Tuudo is not a student card, but it is a student ID card. For this reason, you cannot access the student benefits with it. With Tuudo, you can only buy the discounted train and bus tickets from VR and Matkahuolto, and Kela’s supported student meals.

Student Card, book orders, thesis binding, overalls

Student cards are delivered to Kaffé Tauko, which located in the Tieto 1 building. The delivery time of the card is approximately from two to three weeks and you will receive a message to KAMK’s email address when the card is available for pick up.

No worries, we can mail it to you! You can purchase the mailing service.

You can check this from the semester/ academic year sticker on your student card. The card is valid until the end of the month, which is indicated on the physical card’s sticker.

The autumn semester sticker is valid until the end of the upcoming year’s January, and the spring semester sticker and the academic year sticker are valid until the end of September.

Here you will find instructions for ordering a new semester sticker.

Sure we can! The binding of theses is handled at Kaffé Tauko. If you do not live in Kajaani, you can either send your printed thesis here or email your thesis in PDF format to us. Please note that in case of an emailed thesis, we will charge you the copying service in addition to the binding fee. Here you will find instructions for the binding process.

You can order the student overalls after the school year begins in autumn. We inform you of this in our newsletter.

Tutor affairs and international tutor affairs

Brilliant, being a International Tuutor is the best time for a student! International Tuutor recruitment is held annually during the beginning of each year. You can apply as a International Tuutor if you are a 1st or 2nd year student and a member of KAMO.

It is possible! To apply for credit points, you must participate actively in the International Tuutor activities. As a International Tuutor, you must complete a tutoring diary and self-learning essay, which are required for the application of credit points. You may receive one or two credit points.

KAMO’s activities

The Student Union KAMO represents students at Kajaani University of Applied Sciences and in its decision-making. Student advocacy work is carried out in cooperation with the University of Applied Sciences, city of Kajaani and SAMOK. The student body is represented in the various workgroups of KAMK and attention is paid to topics related to educational policies.

Student advocacy activity deals with topics such as teaching implementation, quality assurance, feedback system, and legal protection for students. KAMO regularly contacts the management of the Kajaani University of Applied Sciences and, if necessary, will make statements. Along with local influencing work, KAMO also participates in the conversation related to the nationwide education policies.

KAMO aims to improve the well-being of students by offering a variety of services to balance studying, such as try outs , Hyvishöntsä (free sports club), various events and activities. We also aim to support students’ well-being by working together with various stakeholders and partners.

Student well-being is the main task of student welfare and its promotion through various means. We take a stand on student health, equality and social issues. The student welfare sector ensures, monitors, informs and, if necessary, intervenes in cases of maladministration in the above-mentioned areas.

The purpose of the Student Welfare Officer of KAMO is to monitor and safeguard the welfare and livelihood of the students of Kajaani University of Applied Sciences.

Events and activities

KAMO Activities is the name of the student who is part of KAMO’s Executive Board and responsible of the free time activities. The task of the KAMO Activities responsible is to

produce and organise varied leisure events for students of Kajaani University of Applied Sciences.

The aim of this activity is to create activities apart from studying, increase students and support their ability to study.

Activities are jointly planned by the welfare team, which includes the KAMO Activities representative, the welfare tutoring representative and the student welfare officer and welfare tutor students.

That’s brilliant! We are happy to receive new event ideas so that we can develop our activities. You can send it to us via or come visit our office and let’s talk more! In addition, next to the office door there is a feedback box in which you can drop your ideas when the door is closed.

This may be possible! KAMO organises monthly try outs and you can try new sports. If you have an idea for a try out in mind, please let us know by email: or come visit our office.

Student Council and Executive Board

The Student Council has the highest authority of the Student Union. The representative body of the Student Council consists of a maximum of 21 members and 21 supplementary members who meet at least three times a year. The representative body is selected by election in autumn and its term is a calendar year. The secretary of the Student Council is the Executive Director of the Student Union.

The Student Council oversees the interests of KAMK students by making the major decisions and policies affecting the student body. It decides on the action plan and budget, approves the annual report and the financial statements, determines the amount of the membership fee and decides on any changes to the rules. The Council also elects student representatives to the various bodies of Kajaani University of Applied Sciences. The Student Council is therefore a low-threshold way to get involved in student union activities and find out what KAMO is all about, if you are interested!

Read more here.

The members of the Executive Board are all students of KAMM and KAMO’s members who serve in a voluntary manner. The Board participates in KAMK’s various working groups, works to influence matters regarding the school, the city and the whole country, negotiates with partners and cooperates with KAMK’s local associations, student unions of various Universities of Applied Sciences and other stakeholders. The Board monitors events on the UAS scene, informs, reports, takes positions and organises various student services and events.

The KAMO Executive Board represents the student body and exercises administrative and executive powers. The Executive Director acts as secretary at board meetings.

The Student Council elects the President and 4 to 7 members of the Executive Board. The Board elects a Vice-Chairman from among its members and agrees on the division of labour between them. The term of office of the Board is one calendar year and its members undertake to serve for the calendar year.

Great to hear that! The working language of the Student Council and the Executive Board is Finnish, therefore, for you to be able to follow up your tasks, sufficient knowledge of the Finnish language is needed. Every autumn, an application period for the Executive Board opens and we will notify you via our newsletter, website, social media, and infoTV’s on campus.

KAMO’s contact details

KAMO’s office is located in Tieto 1 building, Ketunpolku 1. The office is open from Monday to Friday, from 9.00am – 3.00pm, and you can visit us whenever the door is open. We will inform you of the irregular opening times in our weekly newsletters and on the website.

No worries! You can contact us via email, for instance. Our email address is: In urgent matters, you can call us: +358 44 986 4455.