
Experts from around the world -project

Experts from around the world -project is the Student Union KAMO’s project and the aim is to create and strengthen cooperation between students and local businesses in the Oulujärvi Leader are. The project aims to promote the availability of internships and jobs for students in the region and to raise awareness of the companies among students. Internships and jobs are often found in the core are of Kajaani, but the project also aims to highlight businesses in the surrounding municipalities, especially small businesses and rural businesses that could benefit students as businesses. The project focuses on strengthening the regional community between students and businesses and increasing the integration of students into the local working life. The Student Union KAMO will act as a link between students and businesses. The project emphasises the regional importance of information and communication. The aim is to create sustainable solutions to the region’s labour needs and to promote the vitality of Kainuu. 

Funding has been applied for and granted by Oulujärvi Leader and the project funding is EU and State funding. More information about the project can also be found in the Rural Network’s project register at

Project duration 1st of July 2024 to 31st of May 2025.

More information

Kati Huhtala, KAMO specialist
Mob: +358 44 986 4464

Mira Nukari, KAMO’s Executive Director
Mob: +358 44 986 4455

#OSMA #Osaajiamaailmalta #Expertsfromaroundtheworld