Thesis binding

KAMO binds almost all graduating students’ theses. The work is done on-site at Kaffé Tauko, and it will be completed quickly – in the best case you can pick up your finished thesis already on the same day. More detailed instructions on how to bind a thesis can also be obtained from the supervising teachers and study secretaries of the units.


The pre-printed thesis can be delivered to Kaffé Tauko, where the binding will be handled. We recommend printing one-sided to make the final result neat. Binding is more affordable for KAMO’s members, so please show your student card before payment. We will let you know when the work is completed and you can pick up your thesis at Kaffé Tauko.

If you want us to print your thesis, please send it in PDF format to In the message, indicate whether you want your thesis printed in black and white or colour. For printing work, we charge according to our price list.

You can pay for the binding either by card or cash at Kaffé Tauko.

Don’t you live in Kajaani?

If you do not live in Kajaani, you cannot bring or collect your thesis, you can send it to us by email at Send your thesis preferably in PDF format and indicate whether you want it to be printed in black and white or colour.

If you would like us to mail your thesis to you, you can purchase the mailing service when placing an order.

If you wish, you can also submit your pre-printed thesis to us by mail to: KAMO, PL 52, 87101 KAJAANI. If you want your thesis to be mailed back to you, please include a pre-registered and paid envelope or purchase the mailing service when placing an order. Please note the space required for the covers on the envelope.

You pay for the binding and mailing at We will send payment instructions by email once you have submitted your thesis to us.


The binding fee for a pre-printed thesis for KAMO’s members is 18€ per piece, for non-members 28€ per piece.

If you need the printing service, the following will be added to the binding fee:

0 – 149 0,15€ / black-and-white page, 0,25€ / colour page
150 – Please quote an offer!